About The Author
Lindiwe Ndaba, known as Mama Ndaba to many learners, is a qualified teacher experienced in education, in the classroom and beyond. She has taught for 35 years in other learning areas including isiZulu to learners as a first, second and third language. Her aim was, and still is, to assist parents and adults who missed the opportunity to learn these languages and, in doing so, they will be able to communicate fluently in the language.
Besides her duties in the classroom, Lindiwe helped organise and facilitate cluster workshops and conferences for teachers in and around Gauteng, KZN, Cape Town, including international countries like Lesotho and Swaziland. She has always assisted teachers in other schools with lesson ideas and the methodology for First Additional and Second African Languages. She trains teachers how to teach pupils African rhymes, songs and storytelling with meaning. They have benefited from her advice on classroom management and how to integrate the languages with other learning areas. She also developed and published teaching material; “MASIZWANE” modules 1-6, through McMillan.
Through trial and error, Lindiwe Ndaba has co-produced with teachers from different Schools in Gauteng that teach African languages as first and second different; a curriculum that works across all the African languages being taught as a first and second language.
She was chairperson of Sizanani, isiZulu cluster developed to support and empower teachers of African Languages in Southern Africa from 1997 to 2016. Lindiwe Ndaba is a co-founder member of APSAL, (Annual Primary Schools African Languages) a well-established ISASA Language Conferences forum.
She is passionate about integrating the isiZulu culture, heritage and history into other learning areas and organises an evening of Fireside Tales annually for the families and friends of her pupils.
Thobile Lee Ndaba
Thobile is Nqoba I.T Specialist with an experience of 13-14 years in the industry. He has done numerous I.T Audits Country wide for several of companies. When Nqoba was established, he became the mouth of the product. He has promoted the company ethos of the company from inception to date. He is the Marketing Director of the company. His phenomenal skills on the knowledge of the company products on marketing, attentiveness and very quick eye to see gaps in the market to better the product has taken Nqoba to stability, growth, vigor and vim.
Dithoriso Thubela
a well rounded young woman. Full-time employee of Nqobasa. Diligent about what she does for herself and others. Artistic, colourful and uses her intelligence to assist with progress in the production. Dithoriso is one of the marketing director with zest for life and never gives up. Wherever she goes, she speaks highly of the products and never stop learning as she is marketing for the company. A special young woman, an optimist!
Thokozani Mkhize
Multimedia Designer
Thokozani Mkhize is a midland native and she grew up loving all things creative. It’s no surprise she chose this career path. After she completed her studies, she worked for a boutique ad agency, a print shop and the head office of a political party respectively. In doing so, she garnered extensive experience with various design media. She combined her passion for reading and learning with her love for illustrations in her work for Nqoba Learning Programme and Publishers. A unique and diligent designer in everything.
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